🧘 Life
- Warrior Sage
- Intellectual Athlete
- 🌄 🏋️ 🧗 🏊 🏃 🚴 -> 🍎 🥛 🥦 🥕 🥗 -> 🏡 🧘 🔕 🙈 🙊 🙉
Barbell Strategy
- A new life-form
- All players in a non-cooperative game benefit the most by not changing their strategy
- Apex predator of money
- Austrian economic theory proposes that influence of government in markets ought to be kept at a bare minimum at all times
- Ban Bitcoin ~= against free speech ~= not a free society
- Banks hold reserves equal to only a fraction of its deposit liabilities
- Base metal that is as scarce as gold, but can be transferred over a communications channel
- Bitcoin - always in state of nash equilibrium, incentivized miners to not cheat and users to use honest software
- Bitcoin > network protocol > computer code > maths with friendly ui > maths is a way to express abstract relationships > expression is speech > speech is one of two tools to resolve conflicts and settle disputes (other tool is violence)
- Bitcoin is a veblen good (for which demand increases as price increases due to its exclusive nature and appeal as a status symbol)
- Bitcoin is not for humans to have opinions about, it exists regardless of what anyone thinks about it and it should be studied rather than discussed
- Bitcoin is resilient. Bitcoin is principled. Bitcoin is native to internet ideals. And it’s a great brand.
- Bitcoin uses a regressive inflationary model that is an offspring of austrian economic thought
- Bitcoin is a language of value - @jordanbpeterson
- Block time == metabolic rate
- Currency (fiat) != Money (wealth)
- Digital scarcity, truly (mathematically proven) scarce commodity the world has ever known
- Due to its genetic sequencing, it's prime'd to pump
- Foundational concepts in game theory
- Free speech as such is sacred and protected by constitution by liberal democracies
- Immaculate conception
- Keynesian economic theory refers to the concept that optimal economic performance can be achieved by influencing aggregate demand through economic intervention policies by the government
- Money != paper, shiny gold, paper in hand
- Money == energy in time, need unforgeable ledger for storage
- Money is a language we use to express value, now being spoken by computers
- Most important features are proof-of-work and scarcity
- New type of life form
- Nuclear grade protocol
- Only negative -> established history
- Scarce == Valuable
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Social scalability is greater than computational scalability - nick szabo
- Socially scalable as anyone can participate
- Sound money
- Species of money
- States that the effect of a telecommunication network is proportional to the square of the number of users. Also referred to as network effect
- Stock-to-flow ratio - quantifying scarcity
- Time and freedom are true wealth, money is a container for time and method of transfer
- Trust minimzation is the greatest value of Bitcoin - nick szabo
- Unforgeable costliness
- Universal clock/timekeeping machine - timestamping function acts as a universal clock
- Will help transition towards type-1 civilization
- Concepts to grasp in order to better understand Bitcoin
- What Bitcoin Did #43 Dan Held on Bitcoin's Immaculate Conception
- Bitcoin is resilient. Bitcoin is principled. Bitcoin is native to internet ideals. And it’s a great brand. - @jack
- Veblen Good - Investopedia
Claude Shannon [🔗]
- Cull your inputs. (Life is about consciously designing one's life and work habits to minimize distractions.)
- Big picture first. Details later. (Worrying about missing details and intermediate steps is a sure way to shut our intuitions up, and to miss out on some of our best shots at creative breakthroughs.)
- Don't just find a mentor. Allow yourself to be mentored. (It requires humility to take guidance to heart, even when it's uncomfortable, challenging, or counterintuitive.)
- Value generalizing over specializing. A brilliant and creative mind must not insist upon living in a modern monastic cell. (Keep your interests broad rather than deep. Cultivate you natural curiosity. Pursue multiple ideas, let them evolve with time. Sometimes, strangely distinct ideas converge and when they don't, let them go. Always keep your mind agile with an array of hobbies.)
- Chaos is okay. (Chaos is the condition of the remarkable work. Use the limited mental energy into investigating creative pursuits than tidying up.)
- Time is the soil in which ideas grow. (Genius takes time. Follow your creative pursuits but remember the flashes of intuition. Creative work isn't linear; ideas come when they come. Have the willingness to let your old ideas mature.)
- Consider the content of your friendships. (There's a fine line between arrogance and serene self-confidence. Root your confidence in your intellectual resources and stay on the right side of the line.)
- Put money in it's place. (Wealth is not an opportunity to live lavishly, rather a way to spend more time on ideas that interest you. Be wealthy but don't be consumed by the pursuit of wealth. Remeber, wealth almost always comes as an indirect result of incredible work rather than as the end goal.** (Apple, Google and Tesla are good examples)
- Fancy is easy. Simple is hard. (Achieving simplicity may actually be the more intellectually demanding endeavor. It takes work to distill, to get at the essence of things, to be brief.)
- The less marketing you need, the better your idea or product probably is. (If an idea is striking and original, 'Stop trying to make fetch happen! It just isn't going to happen!' Stop flogging ideas well past the point which you should know better.)
- Value freedom over status. (Nothing weighs you down like too many pieces of flair. Freedom to explore your creative endeavors is more important than working to silence your critics.)
- Don't look for inspiration. Look for irritation. (A genius is simply someone who is usefully irritated. And useful irritation doesn't come until, somewhere in the midst of the work, you stumble onto something that troubles you.)
Lindy Effect [🔗]
- Non-organic things (advice, ideas, companies) that have been around for, let's say, 50yrs have a high probability of being around for another 50yrs
Pareto Distribution [🔗]
- 80-20 rule -> 20% of population controls 80% of wealth
- A large portion of wealth is a society is held by a small percentage of population. Generally applied to wealth distribution
- Amount of time a user on steam will spend playing different games (some games get played a lot, but most get played never)
- File size distribution of internet traffic which uses tcp (many smaller files, few large files)
- Hard disk drive error rates
- Power Law -> for a square, if length of its sides is doubled, area is multiplied by a factor of four
- Size of human settlements
- Size of meteorites
- Size of sand particles
- Standardized price returns of individual stocks
- Value of oil fields (many small fields, few large fields)
Power Law [🔗]
- Functional relationship between two quantities, where a relative change in one quantity results in a proportional relative change in the other quantity, independent of the initial size of those quantities (one quantity behaves as a power of another)
Sadhguru [🔗]
- Aham Brahmami (I'm the cosmos)
- Alive vs Alert
- Ahankara (identity)
- Chitta (consciousness)
- Manas (memory)
- Buddhi (intellect) -> dissects to understand, must be sharp
- Intellect (knife) vs Identity (hand holding the knife)
Time Preference
- Extent to which an individual is ready to favor their current well being or consumption over future
- High time preferences -> someone concerned about catering present needs than future
- Low time preferences -> someone willing to prioritize future needs over present (delayed gratification)
Wright's Law
- दिमाग ठंडा - बदन गरम - @BeATopPredator
- A father said to his son: Be careful where you walk. The son responded: You be careful, I walk in your footsteps. - @MyPlayboysBunny
- A man's fight in the modern world is a fight against domestication - by women, by paychecks, by low testosterone. - @LifeMathMoney
- Asymmetric Opportunities, @JaapVergote
- He who is only an athlete is too crude, too vulgar, too much of a savage. He who is a scholar only is too soft, too effeminate. The ideal citizen is the scholar athlete, the man of thought and the man of action. - Plato
- Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety. - @Mensthetics
- Raise victors, not victims. - @LostTemple7
- The only man willing to invest in a mediocre young man other than himself is his father. - @TellYourSonThis
- The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools. - Thucydides
- Frustration is all about unlocked potential - Tim Berners-Lee
- Success is not having to wear a suit - Amol Gupte - One Idiot
- Value is subjective, there's no intrinsic value to anything
- With proper design, the features come cheaply. This approach is arduous, but continues to succeed - Dennis Ritchie
- Intent -> Consistency -> Discipline (Effort/Nutrition/Sleep)
- A Calm Mind, a Fit Body, a House Full of Love - @naval
- Money: How you transfer wealth and time - @naval
- Permission-less Leverage: code, creative - @naval
- Permissioned Leverage: capital, labor - @naval
- Specific Knowledge: Can not be trained for; Acquired via apprenticeship - @naval
- Status: Your place in social hierarchy - @naval
- Wealth: Assets that earn while you sleep - @naval
- कर्म किस्मत बदलते हैं - @7h3rAm
- मेहनत तो किस्मत वालों को मिलती है - @7h3rAm
- जहाँ राष्ट्रवाद को आतंकवाद समझा जाता हो, वहा तर्क वितर्क की आशा मूर्खता है ।। - @7h3rAm
from life import experience as wisdom
- @7h3rAm
- Compounding is a way to employ time. It is how you make universe work for you. Start early, stay disciplined and keep going. Life has no goals, just landmarks. - @7h3rAm
- Eat clean, work hard, sleep well & soak sunlight - @7h3rAm
- Health > Family > Finances - @7h3rAm
- High Morals, Low Time Preference - @7h3rAm
- Keep trying. Keep praying. Stay positive. Be awesome. Become better. - @7h3rAm
- Low Morals + High Time Preference => Societal Collapse - @7h3rAm
- Lure of easy riches is greater than the promise of sound money - @7h3rAm
- Today is a gift to fix mistakes of yesterday - @7h3rAm